Thursday, September 6, 2007

Woolly Sheep

Now, I should be finishing what I started.... at least that's what I keep telling myself all the time.
Alas, the truth of the matter is that I enjoy knitting so much more than blocking or sewing together.... or.... well, FINISHING! Although I love the feeling of having a FO in hand, I just don't like the tedium of getting from the last knitted knot to the FO. So my overview at the moment is:
1 blue Seasilk shawl - finished knitting about a month ago, still needs blocking
1 green KidMohair shawl (for M) - finished knitting about 1 week ago, still needs blocking
1 Lana Grossa Gala jacket (for my mother) - finished knitting about a month ago, still needs blocking, sewing together, crochet border, sewing on buttons
1 felted messenger bag - on the needles at the moment (I am using my Knitters' Coffee Swap pal's gifted yarn and just found something to go with it at i knit london....Shetland Marl! So this is still in process and I am actually looking forward to felting my first felted object)
1 Woolly sheep - on the needles since yesterday, as I couldn't resist starting after I just got the black and white wool from i knit london at the same time as the wool for the bag... Knitting loops is so much fun! (and no, not enough fun to be starting on a bath mat).

So lets face it, the woolly sheep is most likely going to be finished before I've finally blocked that lace shawl....

1 comment:

Seanna Lea said...

The loops look like a lot of fun (at least at the beginning). I only really get things completely done if they are small enough to block on a tiny kitchen towel while I am making dinner or something. Too bad for all of the projects that are larger than a pair of socks.